Bovington Tank Museum 2011

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Hi Rochie,

Wish I'd known you were heading to Bovington; I'd have asked for some detail pics of the Lanchester 6x4 armoured car which, I believe, is one-of-a-kind. Ah well, maybe next time?

Great pics in any case. Thanks for sharing.

Do you have any pics looking at the Kangaroo from the side , I'm curious about how the star is positioned

sorry that was the only picture i have, the exhibits were pretty close together in that section and getting around them was difficult

cheers Glenn, hope some pictures help and if you want any of the full size pictures just pm me an e-mail and i'll send them to you.
Got to say us Brits were pretty cr*p at naming tanks.... I mean...c'mon. Picture the scene, poor squaddie in a foxhole "Oooooo look, theres a Matilda coming !" ... not quite the same impact as "Oooooo look, theres a King Tiger coming !!!!! "

Great set of shots mate, thanks for posting 'em

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