Apr 30, 2010 #61 jamierd Senior Airman 556 0 Jul 16, 2009 Glenrothes Scotland ok Lucky calm down and tell us who your hero is and while your at it what was the name of that show with ardal ohanlon as the superhero
ok Lucky calm down and tell us who your hero is and while your at it what was the name of that show with ardal ohanlon as the superhero
Apr 30, 2010 #62 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,330 27,509 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... *jumping up and down, and using a extremely foul language* My Hero..........
May 4, 2010 #63 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,459 2,441 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! DRINK!!! Attachments 17073_1307053914586_1177697242_30935553_7255476_n.jpg 29.5 KB · Views: 129