Thank you guys. Shinpachi, that was probably the best shot I took of the three 104s. Being out of practice I just could not keep up with them. In that shot he has just completed a full turn in full afterburner. Thank you Glenn, I didn't realize how well that shot turned out until I was going back through them the other night. Other than being a little under exposed it is a decent shot.
Don't be too critical of your own work, Aaron. I know it's much easier to pick apart your own work because you know what you had in mind when you shot it, but sometimes what you might dislike may be a hit. A perfect example was a photo I took of the Fokker DR.1 replica over Chino in an air-to-air. He turned toward us and I rapped off a shot that I didn't like at first. I posted it here, and someone (I think it may have been Hugh) said it was a great shot. That shot actually ended up making me quite a bit of profit and won several awards. I was critical of the shot because i didn't get the wingtips in the shot.
Thank you Eric, I was just pointing out what I thought was obvious. I did photo shop it and found out it looks better in it's original form so I left it.
Great shots Aaron, I think the shot of the Bi-plane is great. I wish I had your eye for photography, I am blind in one and can't see out of the other Full auto is my friend 8)
Thank you Merv. And I have not heard that line in years. My grandfather use to tell me that when I was little. Your shots are getting better all the time so don't knock your eye sight.
Thanks Aaron.
Even though I've been here for a few years, I am just now starting to explore the site. Your great pictures convinced me to start a post of my own.
Thank you Fubar57. We have a small group of photographers here on the forum of which I consider Evangilder the leader of. I am going to catch some grief for that but he is the pro. These guys and Eric have helped me immensely by coaching and critiquing my work. They have kind of molded me into what you see now which is a lot better than when I started.