Buddy System

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Member In Perpetuity
Jul 10, 2007
Virginia Beach, Va.
Back in 2008 I suggested to the [then] Mod Corps and to the forum members about setting up a
Buddy System. A number of the members implimented it, and because we have a lot of new members, I thought I'd bring it up again.

A lot of you guys and gals have really made some lasting friendships on the forum. But, what happens if one of you are in an accident, or fall extremely ill. Who would tell the members of the forum ?

So, as I suggested then, pick a couple of members, from your own country, and swap phone numbers, email addresses, street addresses, and make sure some member of your family has access to those numbers should something happen to you.

Do this by PM, because we don't want this info published on the forum pages.

I have swapped numbers with guys in the states, an Aussie, a Pole and a couple in the UK, and my wife knows where these numbers are kept.

If anyone needs a buddy, I am available !!

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Good reminder Charles. And it works, or we wouldn't know what's happened about Jan. fortunately, it's just a temporary loss of internet facilities.
He's fine Marcel. He hadn't been on the forum for over a week, which is unusual. But, after sending and receiving numerous text messages to each other, it transpired he is having Internet problems, and is waiting for a new provider to install.
perhaps the wrong place to ask, but when i click on my profile the is a area for "friends" what is that for and how does it work? if diddy is my friend what does that mean?
You have diddy's pic on your profile as a close member. You can filter who you see and who see's you based upon your friends (with the exception of Mods... we see all ). Other than that not much use that I know of. Gnomey is better in this area than I am.
perhaps the wrong place to ask, but when i click on my profile the is a area for "friends" what is that for and how does it work? if diddy is my friend what does that mean?

If you know a forum member that's on one of the states around Illinois, PM him/her and offer to swap personal info [full name, address, home cell phone numbers, email addresses, etc]. Then make sure your spouse has access to that info, should you become ill or worse.

Several of us [me included] have been hospitalized on short notice. My wife phoned njaco [Chris] in NJ, and the forum knew I was in the hospital.

The "Buddy System" works..... not just on the forum, as you are well aware of.

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Yes, its good to have mates to watch out for each other. Not in a soppy way but, in a chaps way if you understand me.
I have friends all over the world with gives me a perspective on things going on in my own life and in the UK generally.
I'm up for a UK 'buddy system' if anyone else is...

I will mention it to Hugh (gnomey) and see if he will buddy with you. If he declines, send me a PM and I will buddy with you, even tho you are an ocean away. I buddied with Wayne, and he lives in South Australia !


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