Budget Bf109G Build.

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Well, the Gustav itself is virtually finished. I need to do a bit of touch-up here and there, and finish some of the small, delicate bits, which will be done immediately prior to it being placed on the diorama base. There's a selection of pics attached, which show the aerial cable almost in place; the vertical connecting wire is yet to be attached to the correct point on the wire from the mast to the fin, and will then be painted. The scratch-built pitot is in place and needs painting, as are the aileron mass balances. Actually, I need to re-make one, as numpty here forgot they were in place, and knocked off the starboard one! Where it's gone, heaven knows! I also need to fit a canopy stop cable, and a couple of other small jobs also need doing.
The next, and final part, will show the Gustav on the completed diorama base, which is well advanced, although I've had to change plans slightly as I wasn't able to obtain some of the scenic materials I needed, in time to get this out of the way. (see Recent Purchases).
I should have the whole thing finished and posted within the next two to three days - at least, that's the plan!


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Bloody awesome work Terry!

the angles are also really nice...your photography professionlism is showing through

Any reasons you can suggest why I shouldn't buy the kit?
Only one reason I can think of, and that's maybe you don't like '109's!!!
It's probably the cheapest 1/32 nd scale kit on the market, and one of the best! OK, it's not Hasegawa, but not far off, and I mean, not far off!
Oops! Forgot to say thanks, Jan and Daniel!
Yup sure is Terry espicially with these cheap across the "ditch" flights

Thanks Wayne

You guys are a great help,Will let you know if I can't order one
Thanks very much guys. The base is coming on, even allowing for a slight change of plan due to lack of scenic materials. Should have it finished and posted this week.

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