Camarillo Air Show- August 27-28

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
As most of your who know me will attest, this weekend is the weekend that I look forward to all year and it has finally arrived.

My batteries are charged, tapes ready, flash cards formatted and note-taking material in my pack. I have sunscreen at the ready and drinks are cooling in the fridge to pop into the cooler tomorrow morning.

Predicted high for tomorrow is 79 F, but with the tarmac reflection, it should be around 90 F or so on the tarmac. The weather is supposed to be sunny with 5-10 MPH winds.

Should be a good show. Tomorrow, I will be leaving the house at about 5:45 AM. After the show, there is a BBQ and commisioning ceremony for our C-46 "China Doll" to become the official ambassador aircraft of the City of Camarillo, since the Connie was sold to Switzerland.

I will try and get some shots up tomorrow night, but it depends on how late I get home. I will get home for some shuteye to go and do it all over again on Sunday! So if I don't get any up this weekend, it will be early next week. I will do some video edits as well and will start a new thread for the show.

I will likely not be around for a couple of days with all the activity, but all will be well. Until then...Best whooshes!
***Airshow report***
I spent 15 hours out there on saturday and another 11 yesterday. Man, what a show! The crowd was not as big as last year, but we still had a good turnout. I took almost 2 hours of video and 428 pictures! I am in the process of doing edits and such to post some up here and will probably be doing so over the next couple of days.

The biggest highlight of the show for me was a ride in an airplane. I went up and then got to sit in the right seat and get some actual stick time! I am going to post my flying pics for now, more to come.

See if you guys can guess what I am flying...


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Damn, Joe, you got it right away! It was pure being in the right place at the right time. I was taking a break after the morning trash detail and hangar prep yesterday morning when one of the AN-2 guys came by and said he had slots for a morning ride. I said I'll go before he finished!

Our ramp boss, Bob, flew it first. He is a rated pilot and pulled some great turns. Then he stood up and pointed to me, knowing that I had not been up in any CAF plane yet in my 5 years with the group. The pilot motioned for me to sit and put on the headphones. No arm-twisting required there! He told me to take the controls. I warned him that I hadn't flown before. So he had me put my feet on the pedals and follow his lead for a couple of turns. Then he turned it over to me and let me fly for about 15 minutes.

It was heavy on the controls because it's BIG. But it flew very pleasantly and gives you a lot of feel. The landing was a bit bumpy because it really wants to fly. We went through 3 bounces on landing (I wasn't flying at the time!) but it was still a great ride.

Man, I never thought that I would fly something that you hadn't flown, Joe!

Here is a shot of "Big Panda", the one I flew.


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No, just the two I posted, unfortunately, but at least I got those. The bug bit me big time after this flight. It's like a drug, I want to go up again! I am hooked now.
That sounds like it was an absolute blast. That would've been some fun alright. Just to ride in it would be swell, but to get a turn at the yoke (under supervision ;) ) would be super. :cool:

Good pics, by the way.
Thanks, I just thought I was going for a ride, which was really cool in itself. But when I got a chance at the controls, I damn near shat myself! ;) I have to say it was one of my great life experiences. I really want to get my pilot's license now. It would be really cool to get that done and then try to fly that big bird when I know what I'm doing.
evangilder said:
Thanks, I just thought I was going for a ride, which was really cool in itself. But when I got a chance at the controls, I damn near shat myself! ;) I have to say it was one of my great life experiences. I really want to get my pilot's license now. It would be really cool to get that done and then try to fly that big bird when I know what I'm doing.

You got some good flight schools there Eric, the only thing you have to deal with is the morning marine layer - you might have to go after your instrument rating too..... ;)
I am going to start with the standard certificate, maybe start with the recreation and work toward the commercial or CFI with instruments and tail dragger. You know why I want tail dragger! 8)

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