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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
What did the Allied do for the development of camouflaged uniforms, did they do as much as the Germans did? We've all seen the camouflaged uniforms of the SS and the top German army divisions, how come that we haven't seen as much from the Americans, Brits, Italians, Russians or Japanese etc. were they not that interested or was it more behind scene?
Possibly we haven't "seen" it because it was more effective? *G* Honestly, I dunno. I do know the Japanese (snipers, at least) went as far as tying branches on their uniforms and helmets to help camoflage, but dunno if their uniforms had any specific patterns to them.
Brit paratroppers did use camoflage smocks, I have pic somewhere of Americans wearing camoflage but there was often "friendly fire" incidents as Germans where well known for wearing they stopped this practice Allied snipers also wore camo
Brit paratroppers did use camoflage smocks, I have pic somewhere of Americans wearing camoflage but there was often "friendly fire" incidents as Germans where well known for wearing they stopped this practice Allied snipers also wore camo

Some wore the camo in Europe initially and then only allowed its use for the PTO, since the Japanes didn't use camo clothing.

The Italians had some nice ones.

Njaco if you check for photos of the W-SS 12th SS panzer division and of course some of the LW Fallshirmtruppen in Italy from 44-45 you will notice quite a bit. the German had captured stocks of Italien camo after the Italiens surrender over to the Allies

Huh? What? Somebody call my name?

I think the Germans were more advanced in camo out of necessity. And the Russians and Fins had winter camo that was great.

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