Cant Locate Skin for Bf 109G-10 of JG301...

Ad: This forum contains affiliate links to products on Amazon and eBay. More information in Terms and rules brought back the Hitler-banjo avatar...that's a freakin' classic, man!

Had 2 copies of Gelb5 no mark....

Sorry about the Gelb 5/15 faux pas...I was way beyond half asleep when I was posting those addys, so messing up just one link is impressive...

With the diversity of the camo schemes, you should be able to field well over 20 aircraft, more than we first thought was going to be possible, so I'm glad it all worked out!

Now two things:

First, I can't wait to see the vid...

And the other is that I'd love to run that mission when it's done...I bet it's hair-tooth eyeballs!
Thanks man, Like I said before, I just done a few mods on 'em...

The real credit for making this all happen falls on Dan. And I bet he has his hands full making all the details of the mission fall into place to make that movie.

Which I can hardly wait to see!
Oh yeah...I sure know about the AI...

My personal fav is leading a flight into the fray, and all but my wingman decide to bail out and head for home and leave me there facing the enemy...regardless of what the waypoint and such are set at.

Stupid question, but is there any ground elements, such as user defined objects like AA, convoys or static objects (parked planes, vehicles), etc?
Not really for the Movie though it would be appreciated by skinners im sure, but the guys who altered already made skins by adding
bright RVD bands over top.
They should give credit to the ones who did the original work.
No none of these are mine that I can see, I do see..I think Cpt Farrel, CanonUK and Zargos's work there
Well, Phas3e...just so you understand, these were modded solely for the movie project, and aren't offered on any site for redistribution.

That being said, the mods were layered over the original skin, leaving all of the comments by the original author intact. Not sure if you noticed or not, but these are Bf109G-10 skins, not the Ta152 like Cpt Farrel has made.

I almost used one by Revolver...awesome work, but wouldn't work because of the model and scheme...too bad,'s a sweet file.

I did use a few K skins by Canon UK, since they were closer to the period and area of Ops then most, I used a few G-10 ones by Zargos as well.

And like I said, none are for redistribution, and as I stated above, thier original "sigs" are intact. And even in the freak, weird event that one did get out, it would still be considered thiers, because I never added any comments, etc. over thiers...because...well, it's thier skin...not mine...

And yea Dave, I had to take out the moving objects and AAA from the airfield.... I think the bomber stream and escorts is whats making the comp bod down.... Im making headway tho, so I think it'll be alright, right until I go after the bombers..

That's the reason I asked, because in some of my missions, I've found that having AA and active and/or a high density of user objects creates a serious hit to the FPS.

One mission, I have a brawl over Stalingrad, and all is fine until the AA opens up and all hell breaks loose...sooo, I s-canned the AA and moved the fight a little further south and out over the river, away from the city.

That was like night and day. Even on a muscular gamer, those can factor heavily on the action...especially if you have some heavy hitters like a Bf110G-2 with the Mk108 refit...when those rascals open up, it's an instant hit to the FPS if you have alot of action going on at the time!

Glad it's coming together tho!
Yea Ghost, Ive run into those FPS probs before as well.... The problem is actually with the tracks Im making rather than the game itself... Im not getting any lag in the actual flying, its the recordings that are getting laggy....

Ive now gotten the video through my second kill and have now entered the part where I show the A-8/R2's going after the B-17's and the defensive fire from the bombers.... Got about a minute thirty done so far and its frickin great...

Psychosocial by Slipknot is the song BTW....
great job on the G-10's Grey ghost. Ok Dan in your field now lets see what you have so far even if it is a minute long .......... and thanks, got in tonight from too long a weekend, got the copies of Reschke's text....mucho appreciated

E `
Youre welcome Erich, hope it clears up the day for you...

As for giving u guys a peek, Ill give u a small taste, the first 40 seconds or so.... It shows my takeoff and the 109G-10 rendevouz instead of attack on the 152H's.... No credits or effects have really been added yet.....

I dont want to spoil the final product, so be happy with what ur getting boys....


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