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They must be a recognition marking. They don't match the 'Distinctive Markings' or invasion stripes for Overlord, and neither do they match the sort of stripes applied to Typhoons. I think they are a 'two off' applied to the two G-14s captured in Holland.
The model is a Bf109G-14/U4. It was one of the two found dismantled at Gilze-Rijen by British Forces. They were assembled at Antwerp-Deurne where I suspect the picture above was taken. This one was originally W.Nr.413598 built by the Erla works near Leipzig.
I've shown it marked with a P. In early February 1945 both aircraft were sent to Hawkinge. On the 7th of April 1945 this one was given the serial number VD358 and on 26 April it went on to Tangmere as part of the Enemy Aircraft Flight. Marked as EA*2 it formed part of a post war exhibition of captured materiel on Horse Guards Parade.
It seems, like many others, it was scrapped shortly thereafter.

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