Captured FW-190 Paint..

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Looked again at the red 190 79th badge. By really squinting a cloud and a tip of the wing appear to be in the same position as the badge you posted. Perhaps the other plane has a different interputation or the starboard badge is in a different style to the port side?
The only pic I have of the plane is the one in this thread. It could be like this patch. Then again, I am sure what is painted on the plane is only what ever the artist of the time could paint on it. I am sure it wasnt exact.

Sure.. No Problem.. Almost there.. Once I get my book, I should be done..


Yes, because nose art and insigna can vary a bit due to the fact that it was mostly done at the individual level of the squadron. I am pretty sure that nose art was more unofficial. Not sure sure about squadron insigna though...
Painted some more.. Still waiting on my book to get here. Who would have thought it would take this long... at least I have time to sit and watch the paint dry...



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Patience is something I practice all the time - I have 2 teenage daughters.

I received my book today.. There are no pics of the Red or REd.Yellow one. Only the Navy one. I got the one you pointed to #8. Coiuld it be in the #13 one?

Any help would be great.

I am talking about the one I have pictured in the photo at the introduction of the thread here. I am still trying to locate some pictures of it and so far I keep ending up at dead ends.

Thanks Healz... Yeah, Ill just have to guess at this point. I still like soding the research. I have a larger one I will probably do simlar if I can find the info.


LEMB should be up and running tommorrow. The Red 190 info is in the modeling section.
bigZ.. its cool that the LEMB site is open. Great place too.
I looked through all the posts there but I have still been unable to find the shot from this angle. It apprears that I have the wrong book and I need #13 instead of #8. I will look for that too.




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Hi Jeff E,
I am still flying the Microsoft Combat flight Simulator and one of the add-on designers painted this captured FW-190.

This is the text from the Readme file that comes with it.

In June 1942 a Fw 190A-3 unfortunately landed in England.
I'm not sure this is the same plane.
I textured it like the Fw 190 A-4 and A-8 captured and restored
by the 404th FG.
DIDIER, Patrick

And this is the texture of the Insignia.

I hope it helps you out.


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