Cavanaugh Flight Museum

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looks like theyve added some things since i was there in late summer last year and did you get any pictures of the iskra over by the panther?
Ditto! RedBull wasn't there last time I went. Just called the wife in, she kinda rolled her eyes and said "so you want to go this weekend, huh?" Question, the hangar with the He111 (that thing sorta just jumps out atcha when you enter, doesn't it?), how'd you get the angle where you're up on the same level as the cockpit? I've never been fortunate enough to find anyone who would let me go anywhere other than the floor.

Dang. I really need to get back there!!!!
Only just got to look at this thread! Some great shots there Gary. Am I right in thinking that's where they're restoring a B26 Marauder? If so, there web-site was very helpful and approachable, when I was doing some research about 5 months back. I gotta get myself out to the States - just for the air museums!
Hmmmm....never thought about using a tripod that way, thanks for the tip, Gary! I think I've got the wife resigned to another day-trip out thataway, I'll test it and letcha know how it turns out!

BTW....lemme know next time you're in the area, there's a couple of other museums around as well! None that have as many planes as Cavanaugh, but Love Field has a lot of WW2 vets that volunteer (they're always awesome to talk to!), and Meecham Field over in Ft Worth has a working B-17!!!

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