Christmas photo competition

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Ok, I would like to try....

24 Dec 1943 Children's Christmas Party Father Christmas is 1Lt Wightman A. Roach - 303rd Bomb Group

a second one...

snowed-in B17
Where are The Santa Claus and his rens ?. Let's look for Them in the cockpit.


  • yak7w_162.jpg
    85.1 KB · Views: 426
ok gentlemen, christmas day is here and in all my wisdom i have decided there are two joint winners of the first annual photo competition!

some may've thought of CCs as the favourite, and it was a close call, but for me, erich's shot of the Ju-88 had allot more meaning for me, here we have a machine for the sole perpose of destroying men, it's designed to kill, yet, here it is, at peace, it's doing nobody any harm, it's shows the peace and tranquility that christmas should be about

and the other winner is trakkie's fairey on the tree for sheer comic value


  • trakkie_239.jpg
    99.5 KB · Views: 393
  • erich_193.jpg
    20.4 KB · Views: 382
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