Christmas photo competition

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Yes, I know it's a little bit too late, but picture is very nice... :D

Well gentlemen the 1st of December means only one thing- the return of Lanc's annual Festive Photo Compitition!

I am again calling on all of you to post and festive aviation shots however this year i am encouraging your own photos, so for the photographers out there we want shots of planes that you've taken in festive circumstances, however all other shots are welcomed... the rules remain unchanged from last year

i'll be judging :toothy5:


1) the shot must contain snow, or some sort of christmas decoration
2) it must have some sort of plane, aviator or something with a strong aviation link
3) the winner will be the most festive shot
4) the prize has yet to be decided ;)

and in light of a number of last year's entries, one new rule

5) The shot must be a photo not a artwork, photos of artwork don't count either

and to last years winners your prizes are in the post ;) and to inspire you here are last years joint winners... that is to say two people won, not that they won a joint :rolleyes:



So come on, let's be having your pictures, winners announced Christmas day!
no xmas stuff but snow


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Here is one from Christmas in WW1 with German soldiers. They have a wreath in the background but are still watching guard in the trenches.


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some people are desperate to win :lol: but this is good! come on the rest of you you must have something!
don't worry it was an interesting shot all the same, i've been thinking of themes for the next few years so keep any non aviation ones back for now :D
hey what did I win for last years entry ? nothing ......... :(

how about this, sorry no snow just yet


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