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Honestly, I can't remember when media was truthful and were sticking to facts last....Denzel Washington is very much right in his video on YouTube, about media!
A favourite of mine, is when swedish media was running wild with news about russia flying spy planes over one of our big exercises (with Nato), using a photoshop aircraft....a BOEING!
I know, off topic and I apologise!
A few pubs here in Glasgow has been shut down, due to customers have phoned in, telling the staff that they've got the Big Sniffles! One of my colleagues at work was off on Thursday night because of this, self isolation, until the test results are back and he knows. See what happens with the rest of us if he's got the Drips Majoris, it'd be half the nightshift fcked should that be the case, me included!
As opposed to everyone else?
They are quoting real, verifiable experts, not fabricating things out of thin air like CNN and the NYT.
They are QUOTING people who should be believed based on their expertise and the research they have done.
PJ Media was created to FIGHT fake news., The CBS G.W. Bush TX Air Guard Hoax was debunked by people who had the necessary expertise to point out that the format of the letter was wrong for that time frame ( I could confirm that) and that it was not typed on an IBM Selectric but using a computer.
i was not talking about the media. I was talking about members of the forum.
A little bit of tongue-in-cheek humour to lighten the mood, making news around NZ at the moment, some idiot on twitter posted this, after the US President's comments about the country's latest outbreak of the virus (speaking of fake news):
"You can't leave. And you can't easily have people in. And you're back in lockdown in major parts of the country. And the quarantine camps are public knowledge. Your country is a hellhole."
So, in typical fashion, Kiwis have responded with the hashtag NZHellhole and posting how miserable their lives are not! Not only is it a great advertisement of how beautiful our country is, but just how ridiculous the claims that are being made overseas by the uninformed actually are!
This one from my town:
"Awful day here in the #NZHellhole. The Nelson Market was cancelled so had to get fresh-baked bread and organic sausages from the Farmers' Market instead. Off for a stroll in native bush this afternoon and maybe go to a movie. O the tyranny of this jackbooted regime."
They are QUOTING people who should be believed based on their expertise and the research they have done.
Not sure I can buy that. Nobody is worthy of belief simply because of their position. That's precisely why the scientific community requires high-quality, peer-reviewed research. AFAIK, none of the individuals quoted have gone through that process. The few items of published research are then followed by rather speculative interpretations or explanations which are not included in the original text. It's also frustrating that the article fails to recognize that these "discoveries" were all necessary precisely BECAUSE it was a novel virus.
The article doesn't get off to a promising start. It quotes a Beda M. Stadler and touts his comments on COVID despite admitting that Dr Stadler's prognostication that COVID would wither away in the summer heat. It then goes on to state that "COVID-19 is 78% similar to SARS" and therefore it wasn't "novel". The logic of this is stupefying given that a dog is genetically 84% similar to a human...yet would we suggest canines and and humans are the same, suffering the same diseases and reacting the same way to those diseases?
The article also references America's Frontline Doctors (AFD) who criticize other COVID research as "fake science" and yet they offer no evidence themselves of their "un-fake" research. AFD recommendations include use of hydroxychloroquine but they offer no substantive, peer-reviewed research to justify their claim. As Adler has noted, the ranks of AFD include Dr. Stella Immanuel who, among other things, has claimed that many gynecological illnesses are the result of having sex dreams with succubi and incubi and receiving demon sperm. She asserted in 2015 that space alien DNA is used in medical treatments and that "reptilian spirits" and other extraterrestrials run the U.S. government. She also said in 2015 that Illuminati are using witches to destroy the world through abortion, gay marriage, children's toys and media (e.g. Harry Potter, Pokémon, Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montana). In another 2015 sermon, she said scientists are developing vaccines to stop people from being religious.
Sorry but, for my money, I'll take scientifically sound, double-blind, peer-reviewed research over anything stated by AFD. I also take with a huge dose of salt ANY "expert" who seeks to use the megaphone of the internet to make their points rather than seeking to influence the scientific consensus through well-designed and thoroughly reviewed medical trials.
Not sure I can buy that. Nobody is worthy of belief simply because of their position. That's precisely why the scientific community requires high-quality, peer-reviewed research......
Ole Orange one actually said New Zealand is a hell hole?
Dr. Stella Immanuel who, among other things, has claimed that many gynecological illnesses are the result of having sex dreams with succubi and incubi and receiving demon sperm. She asserted in 2015 that space alien DNA is used in medical treatments and that "reptilian spirits" and other extraterrestrials run the U.S. government. She also said in 2015 that Illuminati are using witches to destroy the world through abortion, gay marriage, children's toys and media (e.g. Harry Potter, Pokémon, Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montana). In another 2015 sermon, she said scientists are developing vaccines to stop people from being religious.
Latest in Victoria AUS Victoria has recorded 116 new coronavirus cases and 15 deaths, as Premier Daniel Andrews announced his Government will seek to change laws so that Victoria's state of emergency can be extended by another 12 months.
Andrews seeks power to extend state of emergency by 12 months
I think this smells of a power grab but only time will tell if it is justified
Hmmm, pushed through while Dr Fauci was in surgery...On Monday, the CDC updated its testing guidelines to say that not everyone needs to get a test for COVID-19: You only need a test if you have symptoms or have had close contact with an infected individual. They have finally defined close contact to be within six feet for at least 15 minutes.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
This essentially confirms the concerns about false positives raised by Dr. Stadler, a Swiss immune system expert.
Hmmm, pushed through while Dr Fauci was in surgery...
The best way to deal with false positives is to do a second test, as is fairly common in medicine where the possibility of a false positive is large.