Chief Master Sergeant
Found one of my books on PH. From Mitsuo Fuchida. He believed another attack should be mounted. His was almost the last AC to land after the second wave attack and he states that AC were already being rearmed, refueled and being made ready for another attack. The only document he knows of outlining Nagumo's reasons for withdrawing states: first attack inflicted all damage hoped for; enemy response had been unexpectedly prompt and losses would be disproportionate to damage inflicted; intercepted enemy messages indicated at least 50 large AC still operational and we did not know location of enemy carriers, subs and cruisers; did not want to remain in range of enemy landbased planes. Admiral Richardson was CINCUS and Kimmel replaced him prematurely because Roosevelt got upset at Richardson. Richardson was a blunt Texan(hooray for him) and told Roosevelt that the major units of the Pacific Fleet should be withdrawn to the mainland because PH could not be defended against an enemy attack because they had not enough planes to mount a 360 degree fulltime parol schedule. Of course that was exactly Kimmel's problem and one reason we were surprised.