Cruel Hoaxer Caught

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1st Sergeant
May 31, 2007
From todays local paper. There are some disturbed people on this planet.

Looks like she needs too go too the gym and not make phone calls. What a a$$hole. she needs too go too jail and live off bread and water , might improve her looks . cause her personality sure sucks !
I can't imagine how many years such a hoax would take off my life. That is a parents worst nightmare. Bet she gets a fine and probation. "It was only a silly school girl prank". Sheesh. Who wants to bet.
Probably what this gal needs is a visit to a shrink. I think her elevator does
not go to the top floor. Or maybe the lights are on, but there's nobody

well i say some lib will come too her aid , or she,ll say i was abused when i was a little girl . Sorry sister all the lib **** dont get it with me , have fun in the pokie, even know budwieser dont brew enought beer too get you laid . P S god was not a lib . he said a eye for a eye !!!!!!!
Probably what this gal needs is a visit to a shrink. I think her elevator does
not go to the top floor. Or maybe the lights are on, but there's nobody

Charles, I got to tell you shipmate after dealing with shrinks for 22 years with my one stepson who's diagnosis has gone from autistic to paranoid-schizophrenic with mild retardation and OCD, I'm not impressed with any of them. From California to Virginia to Minnesota the order of the day is Medicate, Medicate, Medicate. A session in the doctors office lasts 15 minutes and it's really just a med check. Are the Meds working? Are you having any serious side effects? OK, Bye! As far as this phlegm ball goes she should be made to call her own parents and give them the same line about the accident. Then meet them at the hospital and explain the joke to them. What do you think:?:
Wow...... People are seriously F'd up. I mean HOW can you think that is funny?????????? Calling random houses and saying there kids have been killed??????? WTF?

Life time in jail wouldn't be to harsh IMO!

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