Painted the underside of the wing today.
Cut masking for the same, the process!!!!!
From my artwork I printed full scale.
The orange will be painted black.
The blue is a piece of Tempered or as it
is called over her Toughened, samo samo.
I put 3/4" tape on the glass then taped
the printed pattern over. Using a new X-acto
blade I cut along the edges of the Orange,
then the printed edge of the wing outline.
I then removed the cut-up pattern pieces
and picked out what was orange. These
pieces will mask the white first coat and
I will spray the black. I'll be doing the same
for the sides of the fuselage. Wing and
fuselage will be painted Before I attach
the wing to the fuselage. Top is already O.D.
It goes on and on..................