Last year, under the We the People program, a petition was started to have the US Government build a Death Star by 2016.
Under the program, petitions that get 25,000 signatures or more would be considered by a member of the administration.
The petition to build a Death Star gained 35,000 signatures, and thus warranted a hearing.
But the idea has now been rejected by the White House!
So, 35,000 people will be disappointed.
I just wonder which planets they would have liked to use the Death Star to destroy!
Under the program, petitions that get 25,000 signatures or more would be considered by a member of the administration.
The petition to build a Death Star gained 35,000 signatures, and thus warranted a hearing.
But the idea has now been rejected by the White House!
So, 35,000 people will be disappointed.
I just wonder which planets they would have liked to use the Death Star to destroy!