Im not convinced that Rumanaia as it existed in 1944 was not part of the "Balkan Camapaign". We have a Soviet view on Geography for the purposes of classifying their campaigns as different to the way we in the west classify the Balkans. Without hesitation, or even being prepared to think about it, we reject the Soviet view and adopt the narrow western europoean view. We dont know by what criteria Groehler defined the Balkan campaign. We would need to get access to his research documents to answer that. The Balkans as a region is a narrowly defined area of land, yet as a concept is a concept that is a moving feast. it has at times included many countries no longer considered part of the Balkans. I tend to think or would like to think that Groehler was not as specific as we are attempting as to what the Balkans actually were. I think in fact that Groehler was relying on Soviet and Germans records and that he may well have been referrng to the Soviet concept rather than our own