Designing a siggy need help

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OK. Now switch off the text layer by clicking with LMB on the icon with the black eye on the layer bar.
Then click the new just added layer with LMB and then RMB.Choose the Mixing options ( or sometning similar) from the new opened menu.You should get something like this below.


  • Vic1c.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 124
So OK. Blending Options I have to remember the English name of it.THX.

Anyway the new opened selector is for effect adding to a layer. The window consists of two areas.On left there are effects you can add ( select) and on right paremeters you can set for each effect separately.

Click the Shadow one and set the "Size" of 15 for instance.Then click OK button. As a result you should get this one on your screen.ALso you can try to set "Distance" option.If you move the requester a little bit left or right in order to see the effect of your settings on the layer you will notice its work.

Now it is the matter of the training and experimenting


  • Vic1d.jpg
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  • Vic1e.jpg
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Sorry about the Wojetk, I've got a bit of a problem here, I/m stuck on this area where you said to select the shadow, which I have done and then select a size. On this screen, where is the size.

Also it must be getting late for you, so if you want to call it a day I can pratice up to this point and also fiddle with options to see what happens.

PS I was going to load a screen print, but seem to be having problems with my PC/Internet so maybe I should call it a day and re-boot my PC. Maybe I'll catch you tomorrow morning my time. Thanks for your time and have a good night, not that you have much night left.

No, I got stuck, but am also having to many interruptions from the kitchen people at the moment, as I said, I will play with it and see what happens and let you go to bed.

Now I see. No problem my friend. Here you are the next print screen. The relief effect was added. Also there you can set a few different parameters for the optionn.


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G'day my friend, my apologies for the abrupt ending of our session on Tuesday/Wednesday (my time) It was merry hell with tradesman coming in and out and it must have been late for you. Since then I have managed to master the shaded text, though my version has a slightly different drop down screen to yours. This you can see below (pic 1.)

One thing I've not been able to sort out is the use of the 'colour overlay' box. Every time I engage it, no matter what other colours I use in background or foreground, when selected it always cones up with the red colour (pic 2.).

Do you have any idea why this is and is it possible to change the 'colour overlay'.
Also not sure how long I will be around as it may again turn into a circus here. The kitchen bench top that came two days ago was totally wrong, made up of four stone slabs, three were incorrect, one in a very big way. They say they will be back today, lets hope they have got it right this time.



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  • Tutorial 2.JPG
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G'day Vic,

How is life there? I hope you are fine and your kitchen works are finished just like mine.

The main problem with the colour overlay option is that you didn't understand my explanation of the effect selector.I do appologize but it can be my fault as well. For the effect you marked the white square on left side, didn't you?

But have a look what'll happen when you clicking the name of the effect next to the white square. Do it now please. I'm sure you can grasp.
In that way you can access all effects there and settings for them.

Thanks mate, it works a treat. Now if you are ok with this I've some other questions, such as how did you put a gold edge around your siggy and also curl the left edge in.

BTW, I've ordered a book on how to work Photoshop, should get it in the New Year
To tell you truth I was a little bit lazy and got is from another picture I have found. But it is possible to make the same with the PS.But it takes some time as there is a need to use a couple of effects and settings. But if you want we can run an exercise.
Thanks for the offer Wojetk, but maybe I should not be so ambitious and for the moment just practice with what you shown me. It's probably better for me (and you) for me to wait until my tutorial book arrives, then if I get stuck, and I know it will happen, I will yell for help. Again my thanks for what you have shown me and for your time. Will keep in touch and now I'll let you bed down for the night.

It is no problem for me to stay on longer. If I 'm tired I'll let you know simply.Unless you don't want to chat..
To be honest I have purchased the PS tutorial as well.And do you know what, now it is sitting on my shelf useless.
PS is really very nice program.All things are similar to others.So it lets us remember all things and steps that are needed to make something. Personally I feel lack of a couple things I could use when working with Deluxe Paint on AMIGA computer.But that's way the Good Lord has mounted between our ears the nice biological computer for dealing with all troubles.

Ok mate, fire away, lets chat and have some fun with Photoshop and I will also make a tutorial as we go. As for the book, I read reviews on this one and they were all very positive. The book is 'Look and Learn Photoshop 6' not the 'Photoshop 6 for Dummies', which have you got?

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