Diver Derrick Bridge

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
A bit late on this, but 5 days ago a new bridge was opened in Port Adelaide called the Diver Derrick Bridge. Big deal you say, but after strong support from the local community and the RSL, it was finally decided to name it after WWII hero Tom "Diver" Derrick VC. Initially it was to be named after the local football team , so it was heartening to see strong support by the community to name it after someone truely deserving of the honour. Anyway thought some of you blokes would be interested.

See here about derrick himself.
Tom Derrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3rd pic is Derrick raising the flag over Sattleburg town.


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so it was heartening to see strong support by the community to name it after someone truely deserving of the honour.

Thank God for that! Good post Wildcat...where I am, everything seems to get named after Aboriginals.

To "Diver"...


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