Dogfight Damage Question

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Jul 5, 2008
Hi guys, I'm new on here so if I ask some stupid questions, please forgive me!

Basically I have a question to do with a diorama I'm planning in the near future. One of my friends has asked me to do a diorama of an A6M3 Zero right after crash landing in the sea during a non-specific carrier battle in the Pacific.

My question is, for a Zero to be considered too shot up to fly, what kinds of basic damage would I be looking at adding to the model? Also, what kind of damage would hitting the water do to the plane?

I've just come back to the hobby recently after a break of about 8 years, and even back then have never built a "damaged" aircraft model, so I have no idea where to start for reference pictures/info.

Cheers in advance!
Most Zero's when hit with .50 cals just exploded. However, if you shot away
any of the control surfaces, or severed the control cables the plane would be
a bear to control. Hitting the water nose first would be like plowing into a
concrete highway. You can't compress water. So you have to decide how bad
the plane was shot up, and how it hit the water. Just remember one wing low on
impact and she cartwheels.

I'm sure you will get other opinions, so the choice in yours.

One of my friends has asked me to do a diorama of an A6M3 Zero right after crash landing in the sea during a non-specific carrier battle in the Pacific.

You are going to picture the Zeke floating on the surface of the ocean? Then damage would have to be VERY light as Mr. C has noted. Perhaps a wounded pilot, engine out or oil all over the windscreen. VERY little damage since the Zeke did not have self sealing fuel tanks.

And the see state would have to be VERY calm, otherwise the plane would break up anyway. Typically sea landings were gear up, cockpit open and approach waves at a 45 degree angle.

Damage from landing in the ocean might include a rather mangled wingtip/wing from initial contact with the ocean.

Other than that you imagination is you palette.

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