**** DONE: 1/144 Boeing 314A - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Late as usual, Looking good Andy. I just started using Testors clear parts cement and window maker. Have not tried to make a window but it works great on canopies


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Thanks for the comments guys. Mike I'll have to get some of that stuff next time I'm at a hobby shop, cheers.
Got the white areas masked off this morning and have applied the Intermediate blue. I'll wait awhile now before further masking to add the upper colour of sea blue.


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That is looking good Andy.

As for this Testors clear glue, I have a feeling its very similar to carpenters glue, but may have another element in it that hastens the hardening time. Carpenters glue, the white stuff not that old fashioned stuff boiled in a pot, sets touch dry in about 20 minutes and is hard within half a day and invisible within about an hour. Good for IP dials and windows.
Thanks Vic and Michael. I've applied the upper colour of Sea Blue. Hopefully the paint job will turn out OK once I remove all the masking tape.


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Thanks a lot guys! Here she is with all the masks removed. Hopefully I've done this right as the rest of the camo is decals which rely on correct placement of the different colours. Despite being a PITA, the window masking's came out alright. Sponsons are painted also.


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