**** DONE: 1/24 Cessna O-1E "Bird Dog" - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Repairs to the starboard wing are almost complete. A few coats of the 50/50 mix, light sanding, then re-paint.



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When I took the "wood, fabric and dope" section of A&P school, we had to cut our covering and stitch and patch. Nothing unusual about a little patch in fabric!!!!
It's looking fantastic Charles, and I'm sure that small hole will be easily repaired.
If you can't find 'Future', look for the name 'Johnson's' in the floor cleaner/polish section. In the UK, it's now called 'Johnson's Pledge, Klear', and was once just called Johnson's Klear, so it'll probably be there somewhere, with either the 'Go', 'Future' or 'Klear' somewhere in the title.
If you can't find it, then any hobby or art shop should have a spray can of acrylic gloss varnish, which can be used as a pre-coat before decals, and as a finish coat.
I called one of the local Ace Hardware stores. They said they do not carry it, but will order it for me. I just have to go there and pay for it "up front". So that's in my plans for this afternoon. Thanks...

Edit: I'll have it Wednesday.

Edit #2. They called from Ace Hardware and left a message that the supplier doesn't have "Future" but will substitute "Pledge" floor wax instead.

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All the repairs to the Bird-dog have been completed.

I neglected to tell you, while attaching the front windshield, I dropped it. It hit the chair on the way to the floor, completely removing the right wing, tearing a hole in the fuselage and bottom of the wing, where the wing strut was. Also tore a two inch gash in the top of the left wing. Now were are mixing paint. If you recall, I mixed a half bottle of Light Ghost Gray with a half bottle of Light Gray. Unfortunately, I ran out of the mix, and don't have any more of the Light Ghost Gray. So....... I'm mixing Light Gray with a drop of two of Gloss Black, hoping to get a color close to what's on there. Pic's when I get it right. Mixing paint is new to me, I never do it....

And that's just what happened in the field!
After you patch it, cut some strips of paper, maybe 1/8" wide, and place the strips over the edges of the patching. These would have had "pinked" edges and covered the stitching of the patch. Then paint the color over the patch and strips. Beauty! These strips protected the stitching.

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