**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Glad you are better My Bro.. As far as the food is concerned.. I have been watching a broadcast on TV about the Australian Border Guard recently.. no wonder the import of many kinds of food to your country is forbidden. Very strict rules during customs clearance at Austarlian border.
Great work as usual Wayne, always a pleasure to watch. Also glad you back on your feet.

Wojtek, no kidding about our boarder protection my friend, I watch the same program, but people still try get away with it. We once came back from UK during the last foot and mouth epidemic and every passenger from the UK had to have e all our shoes put through a sterilizer before we were let into the country officially. It took hours to get through the customs.

I'm not surprised really. A bacteria or insect that can be easy destroyed with the DDT in the USA , in Australia can mutate and became very resistant to a machine gun. Anyway I understend the reason for a such strict rules. But you are right tallking about these people who still try to smuggle many forbidden items. Especially these from China, Thailand etc... I would say something more but I would have to offend the one-third or perhaps , the half of the human population on the planet. Oh boy..
cheers mate, so it looks like i might need to buy two 1/48 version then !

Correct my friend !

Managed a bit more, not as much as i would like though.....more done on the engine, cowl flaps added to cowl and the drop tank assembled.


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Wayne, I've run out of superlatives! How did you get the color between the engine cooling fins? A dark wash?

Thanks fellas, Mike in this case Flat black overall then my trusty silver pencil gliding over the raised detail one cylinder at a time....alternatively plan B would be overall silver with a black wash but this sometimes doesn't get the effect i got with plan A...

Ignition wire will come during this week...then we will see where it goes, hey Vic!
Wayne, you've mentioned that, silver pencil, before. I've used a silver permanent marker from time to time but a "pencil". Can you post a pic and where do you get them
Great stuff Wayne. I'm interested in the silver pencil too. I know I've asked before, and you and others provided info, but when I checked out the local art shop some time back, their silver pencils looked like they'd have a hard time marking on paper, never mind paint or plastic!

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