**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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cheers Wojtek....

A start on the cockpit and some progress....


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Wayne, truely amazing, your ability to do fine detail work is amazing. I've come to the conclusion that #1. you are either 4in tall or have a complete set of micro Waldos copmplete with micro-viewers


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Wayne, I always love watching your work, buddy. Damned nice stuff there.
Thanks Very much Guys...

Ok added the seat after drilling out the holes, seatbelts and side walls with some detail to complete the cockpit assembly....thing should move a bit quicker in the assembly now...


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Lovely work, Wayne. How in the hell did you get that yellow in the wheel so crisp? Man, you must avoid caffeine and other stimulants!

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