**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thanks Vic....now on to the wings.

adding the wheel bay and rear structure, placing the inserts for the lower wing detail for the early version, these inserts will be different for the late version being released in April/May.


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Thanks very much guys.

progress to date...Lower wing inserts have now been filled with stretched sprue and sanded flush, panel lines sorted out, upper wing sections in place, small window panel in upper fuselage fitted and sanded around the edges protected by a small strip of tamiya tape and the cockpit tub is glued in place.


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Looking good as ever progression and build wise

I didn't even know there was a small window in the upper mid-rear fuz - does it do a similar role to the ones in a Spitfire? ..mostly to provide an ambient light source for aircraft maintainers/electricians working deep in the fuz on the master compass, radios such equipments, more than a quick inspection point for received damage or the rarer the 'freighted' mechanic/person in the uncomfortable crawl space?
great, as almost all the aircraft on this scale are breathtaking all that is lack space to have them
Thanks very much guys...

Well....looks like a Shiden-kai now....


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