Thanks guys. Got a little more done today:
Below is an overall shot of the model as it now stands. The wings are now permanently installed, as is the landing gear and the tailplane has been glued on. I decided to paint the tailplane in natural metal so far. Though the spec called for these to be white for European based aircraft, not all aircraft got this treatment. Closer study of pictures of my particular subject will be required to determine whether or not the white is there.
Here's a detail shot showing he black intakes and the odd beige-coloured panel on the avionics hatch.
A detail of the tail assembly follows. I have weathered this area some more and, though I like how it's turned out, the finish on the middle panel of the tail pipe is almost always very shiny in pictures of the real aircraft with no streaks evident. I may need to rethink this area.
Here's the starboard intake showing a panel just aft of the intake outlined in grey as evident in many pics I've studied. Though the wing leading edges have been masked and painted aluminum, these are barely visible as the scaled width worked out to just 0.5mm.
This close-up of the nose area shows a dark wash treatment over the olive green instrument cover and the reflector glass installed over the gun sight. The anti glare panel and grey nose cone turned out to my liking as did the streaking I did on the aluminum. However, one thing that is bugging me is that the side panels of the cockpit are not modeled correctly and I may need to add some scratch built details here.
Here's the underside showing the large gear doors partly closed, an odd feature given that the gear assembly in the down position interferes with full closure of these doors. I've not yet installed the smaller doors over the main struts as there's some detail work I need to complete on these.
I hope to get a little more done tomorrow so hopefully will post more tomorrow evening. Thanks for checking in.