**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Well, the other option is to use the closed cowl flaps supplied with the kit and that will eliminate half the choice. Thanks all for your comments. Anyhoo, I finished these areas off with the yellow zinc chromate and added the cables around the cowl flap rollers. Here are some close-ups and a couple showing how the beast looks now.

Thanks guys. Flaps glued on and setting now. Looking into deciding on the gunsight now based on the earlier discussion about the likelihood of it being the Mark II gyro sight. I'll need to get this in place before gluing on the windscreen so that I can mask it so that I can then get a coat of interior green on the frames so that I can then get an overall prime coat on so that..........

Everything in proper sequence.
Thanks everyone. Won't be much happening on this one for a few days as I'll be strapping on the boards and doing some powder hunting this weekend. 26cm of new snow by Saturday where I'm going - woot!!
Very nice detail Andy, and enjoy your weekend mate, all the snow. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr……………………….the thought of it makes me shiver.

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