**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thanks everone.

Lovely work on that cockpit, Andy. I like the Future idea as well. Never thought of using Future as an adhesive. Are you using the new forumla or the old one for that?

Not really sure Dale. It's a bottle I bought probably 6 or 7 years ago.
as has already happened'm hanging on every advancement to take note of the work of the plane so when you mine and I'll have everything you need and your work the airplane to follow,

great andy very good instrument panel
Thanks everone.

Not really sure Dale. It's a bottle I bought probably 6 or 7 years ago.

That's the original ('old') formula than Andy. The 'new' stuff is in an opaque, white bottle, and the liquid itself looks milky - great for polishing floors, but nowhere near a good, for modelling, compared to the original.
Thanks Terry. The bottle I have is a litre capacity and I've used maybe a third of it in 6 years so I don't think I'll need to worry about a substitute for a while, unless it has a shelf life.

Just a little done today on the pit and then decided to clip the wings. After mulling this over for a bit, I decided to use a slightly different approach than Cory. I cut the wing about 1.5 mm outboard of the molded seam and then glued on some thick plastic card. Once the glue completely sets, I'll shape the whole area with a file and sandpaper.

Good stuff Andy, and a simple solution too.
As for Future, my first bottle lasted around 7 or 8 years, and the second bottle would have lasted the dame - had i not knocked it over, spilling 80% of the contents!
Got a nice shiny desk though!
The 'new' bottle is already showing signs of discolouration, exhibiting a yellowish-brown tinge, and doesn't give as good a gloss finish. Also, as seen in my P-47 build, it no longer seems to work well with flat base either!
Interesting, Terry. I have a bottle of the new formulation. Overall, I am having problems in some subtle and not so subtle ways. One is with the flat base. I have had problems with new formulation interacting with acrylics and wrinkling and bubbling. I have turned to MM various clear coats to get the finishes I want.
I think we can safely say that with Future we are stuffed, so I keep looking for something else. Currently using a product called 'Long Life' which is okay as a sealer, but very patch on the shine.

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