**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Still have my original bottle, coming on 5 years or so still about 80% full and clear as crystal. Expensive, agreed, but then when it lasts for years and the alternative is crepe, I'll bite the bullet. Glad I got mine when I did..
Well. it's been almost a week since my last update so I thought I'd better show you guys the bit that I've been up to.

The starboard cockpit wall was painted, although the US radio line up will need to be removed and replaced with scratch-built British equipment that I'll add using the few reference photos around.


The port wall received the Eduard throttle quadrant and the flap actuator/indicator. I also cut and inserted a placard from a left over piece of PE.


On the left side of the instrument panel, I removed the molded in stubby throttle linkages and replaced these with stretched sprue. These were then cut to length to intersect the above throttle quadrant once the pit is assembled into the fuselage.


I also committed to displaying the wings unfolded, though I do like the details that Tamiya provided in the folds. I'll just have to get another Corsair and make the wings folded on that one. As shown earlier, the outer wing halves have already been glued together and, taking a tip from Dale's notebook, I aligned and mated the outer wings to the undersurface of the inner wings and set this aside to fully cure as shown below.


Once the above is ready, I'll flip it over and carefully align and glue in the top halves of the inner wings to ensure that the joint at the fold is flush.

Thanks for looking in guys.
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Then I won't tell you what the temp is taking the wind chill into account. Nevertheless, did venture out with SWMBO to the Home Show today. All I did was squirt some interior green into the engine cowl. I'll post some progress pics tomorrow, barring catastrophe.
Right. I little "warmer" down here at -40 with wind chill but stayed in nevertheless and got lots done.

Let's start where we left off and show the wings. After carefully aligning the top halves, these were glued, sanded and primed to reveal any issues. As a first pass, not too bad though a bit of rescribing will be in order.


The reconfigured wing tips were also primed and reveal nothing to do here except complete the navigation lights.


A lot of work went on with the engine and, unfortunately, I didn't stop to take progress photos. Ignition wiring was added after making the little connection points of stretched sprue. The little Pratt Whitney logo was painted by hand.



The starboard side of the cockpit was also completed. The molded American radio parts were removed and scratch built British parts installed in their palce. Wiring harnesses are lead wire.


That's it for now guys, thanks.

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