**** DONE: 1/48 EE Canberra - The Jet Age.

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Ok top cammo done, just waiting for a couple of touch ups to dry.

On further research I have found that the gun pack and its special bomb bay doors were normally painted black from when the whole underside of the B(I)8's were black for their night intruder role.
These removable parts apparently were very late in getting a coat of silver paint, so it was quite normal for them to sport black gun pods and surrounding area on their yearly trip to the gun range.

So once everything is dry I will mask and paint the area in very dark grey for a faded black look.

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Looking good there Karl. I'm more used to seeing the Intruder in the black underside scheme, as shown below, so this is a nice contrast.


  • Can Jan 032.jpg
    129.3 KB · Views: 63
cheers Cory.

ok got some decals on this morning.

the decals are crap, since when do RAF roundels have a black ring around them Airfix ?

the macro shot of the nose scared the life out of me, it is not that bad in the flesh, honest !!


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