**** DONE: 1/48 Me262B-1a/U1 - The Jet Age. (1 Viewer)

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Thanks guys! Charging right along now... the light blue 76 was "neutralized" with some gray per the reference that Andy posted. I forgot to take a picture of the that but right after that I started applying the mottle using an RLM 82 custom mixed from Gunze paints to match a paint chip in a reference book. I switched over to my Paasche V as I am more easily able to spray a finer line with this brush than the Iwata HP CS Plus.



Yeah, it looks strange but I tried to match what I was seeing in the archive photos of Red 12.


I got some overspray on the bottom that needs to be cleaned up as well as some other spots that got lifted off with the masking tape.
Continuing the painting work on my Nightfighter. I've decided to go with a two-color mottling scheme so I added some additional mottling marks using my mixture for RLM 83 Green. I'm very much accustomed to the grey mottling that is commonly portrayed on Red 12 so this green-based pattern is throwing me for a loop. It looks odd to me. But I will trust the sources and go with it.


I have a set of Montex Luftwaffe masks from a previous 1/48 190D-9 build that I've decided to utilize on my Me262. The tail swastika seems to be the right size but I've added some strips of Tamiya tape to simulate the masking cutouts that seem to be present on Red 12.

The mask is carefully put into place...

Voila... one swastika complete!

The fuselage crosses are next.

Underwing crosses.

And then the top of wing crosses.

Starting to look the part now! I haven't shown it but I've been painting the exterior bits and pieces (antennae, pitot, etc) as the camo painting has progressed.

Next order of business will be the red "12". I have a couple of choices here that I need to look at closely: the Montex mask or the decal that Andy graciously donated. The mask is a wee bit larger than the decal but if it is not too large, I want to use the mask to match the other major markings.
Comparing the archive picture to the mask, I have determined that the mask size is ok.


The red is sprayed on first.

After the red is allowed to dry the number masks are carefully placed within the outline masks and sprayed white.


Paint chipping is done by wiping the hairsprayed areas with a brush dipped in water.
Thanks for all of the comments guys! This build is approaching completion. It took me awhile to get used to the green-based camo but I am not hating it anymore. After the red "12" was completed, I put on a gloss coat (Alclad Aqua Gloss) and applied the few decals that were usable and applicable. I couldn't utilize all of the stenciling from the Hobby Boss kit since it was not geared for a black-bottomed nightfighter.

The bottom was chipped lightly using silver paint and a fine brush.

After the decals, I highlighted the panel lines using a pastel wash.


The model was then given a 50/50 coat of flat/gloss.


Additional weathering was added via dry brushing various shades of brown pastel and wiping it off.


Landing gear was glued into place at this stage. The wheels are left off until last so that I can align the flat spots of the tires with level ground.


Now that the model can sit on its landing gear, I added the dorsal antennas and pitot tube. I also removed the canopy masking.


Maybe I rushed in taking the canopy masks off. The finish is a bit shiny and I may have to apply another topside flat coat.

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