**** DONE: 1/48 F2A Buffalo - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Moving good so far, email is on the way by this weekend, after I pump out my 2 exams sorry for the delay Geo.
Thank you gentlemen. Starting to close it up and had my first chance to use the Berna clamps that I ordered after seeing it used in Andy's(Crimea_River) Corsair build and I have to say, I am more than impressed with them. I've always had trouble with the fuselage using other clamps, but these hold fast on curved surfaces. A little fussy to get used to at first but they will now get frequent use.

Started painting the engine, went to a dozen sites for reference photos and got a dozen different color schemes so I typed R-1820 into Google images, closed my eyes, moved the cursor around and the photo it landed on is the one I chose. Just have to add silver paint, the crankcase and of course, the touch-ups the closeup photo shows.

Thank you Andy. Engine is done...

Even though the underside seam is flush, the seam behind the cockpit stood so I used the clamp to smoosh it level. It's odd as there is nothing below the seam to make it go askew.

Once the fuselage is set up I have to test fit the landing gear as Tamiya would have one attach them now but I would rather wait until later.

Thanks gents. Those clamps are fantastic. The yellow ends are rubber and they hold on to round surfaces like nobodies business, a real problem with the normal clamp. I've also had problems clamping wings but not with these clamps. You can open and close them with one hand. Anyhoo, enough infomercial, the little beer barrel is together and ready for a little putty.


One thing I haven't checked for yet is to see if I have the correct size hinomarus. I have six Japanese aircraft to be built as Captured so something will fit.

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Thanks all. Glued the front of the cowling but it would not line up using the attachment points so I cut them off. Still, not all points would line up so I went with the best fit. The paint flies tonight.

Thought I would put this here instead of a new post. Paint flew, bottom color on...

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