**** DONE: 1/48 F2A Buffalo - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thank you gentlemen. Still working on a method to best set up the antenna without putting too much strain on the front mast. I may have a solution and hopefully it will be posted in the Post Meridian. In the meantime, less than two handfuls of parts to fit. First up, the main wheels, just a wee offset....

....nothing a sanding stick won't fix. As mentioned a post or two ago, I went to P.G. to pick up my daughter and I thought I would get some paint for my next project and some invisible thread for antennas. So we left a little early and when we got there, 99% of the stores were closed. When did this Easter thing pop up and why wasn't I notified about it? I did manage to buy this though.

I'm probably doing this the hard way and Andy's method looks easier but I have a month and 110 inches of 2lb test fishing line left to try and recreate the spring(?), tensioner(?) at the fin. My main reason for doing it this way is to avoid any unnecessary pressure on the forward mast. Blue, red and yellow arrows are the line and the green arrow is a tweezer holding the line taut while the crazy glue sets.

This is also a test of my sanity.

This is just a test. The antenna is glued to the fin post and when that is dry, I'll glue the other end to the front mast and then finally to the fuselage. It doesn't look as ratty as the photo shows...

I hate close up photos

Thanks guys. Needs a couple of touch-ups and I'm not sure what I'll do about that little blob in the middle as i really don't want to touch it any more. All too late, I found my metallic silver marker.

As thin as 2lb test fishing line is, it's a little stiff and keeps wanting to spring back when trying to make loops. One of the reasons I went to P.G. yesterday was to pick up some invisible thread as I had read it is good for antennas. Just wondering if anyone has used it and if so, tell me it's properties, ie; is it rigid to work with, elasticity, etc? Just need to add wheels, pitot tube, paint Nav. lights and paint(colors(?)) and install ring and bead sights.

a while ago I started to use the wire "ez-line" for the antennas and this is really great, you take a very good job I like to follow.
Thanks to close-ups, I can see touch-up is needed. Blurry tail wheel for scale. I'm surprised I didn't snap these in two when I removed them from the sprue. When this is dry, the finished photos will follow.


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