Found time to start the rigging on the Gladiator today, fixed the top wing on and away we went. I could say the rigging is a piece of doddle now, but let's not tempt fate.
Thanks for looking in folks. Work progressed slow yesterday and in the end was not looking as I wanted, so have ripped out some 8 rigging lines and intend to start again. Have to clean up the mess first though and the deli some more holes.
Talking of drills, those of you following will know I use a #80 drill bit in a pin vice. I had two sorts of #80, one was pink sleeved the other blue sleeved. I found that the blue sleeved ones had no bite in them and would not cut into the plastic and the slightest pressure snapped the drill. The pink #80 were much better, more robust and sharper.
I wrote to the guy in the US who I get these drill bits from just to tell him of the problem with the thought that he may have got faulty stock and needed to not only be aware of the problem, but to also check his stock. He came beck very apologetic and is kindly replacing my busted drill with new pink sleeved ones. I'm not sure of why the sleeve colour difference but he did say the when ordering in future, just state that I prefer the pink sleeve.
Now is that not a good supplier. So if your wanting these little very fine drill bits, the guy to get them from used to call himself 'The Bit Guy' but now has a much smarter web site:
Following on from my last post I've spent the afternoon recovering from last nights ripping out of the rigging. My problem was that the wires did not cross on an even keel from front to back, so out they came.
Basically I had to start from scratch, drill holes, cut shims and make up new rigging lines, but it's now done and the crossover wires are spot on so I was able to also fit the securing rod through the middle.
This was after the ripping out process, done after a couple of beers and a glass or two of wine and during a raging late evening storm.
Revised rigging suitably replaced and now ready for the next stage of the build. Note the through rod balanced on the rigging cross over points. Actually the two rear rigging lines do not touch at the cross over with about a 4mm gap between them.