**** DONE: 1/48 Harrier GR9,4(AC) Sqn RAF - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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As promised, a bit of progress to show, although there was some sanding to be done, rather unusual for an ex- Hasegawa kit.
PIC 1. The nose and cockpit assemblies have been joined to the fuselage, after first painting the inner surfaces of the air intakes and the turbine blades.
PICS 2 and 3. The auxiliary by-pass doors have been fitted in the drooped position, normal for on the ground without the engine running, and again the inner faces have been painted, white and medium Sea Grey, in a satin finish.
PIC 4. The intakes fitted. Some sanding around the joints is still to be done here.
PIC 5. The upper panel, immediately aft of the cockpit, needed quite a lot of sanding around the edges, with a jeweler's file and wet n dry, to allow the panel to fit flush with intakes. A small amount of filler is now required to correct the very small gaps.
PIC 6. Top fuselage panel/wing root fillets in place. The joint will be filled with PVA later.
PIC 7. Test fitting of the main wing shows that again some sanding around the leading edge joint will be required to allow it to fit - that's tomorrows job!
Once the wing is fitted, then it's time to plan the rest of the build, to ensure the best sequence to allow ease of painting. All being well, I'll post another up-date tomorrow.


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Great work Terry!
Nice to see you paid attention to the intake flaps - if I know right this is the natural position for them on the deck with power off.
Thanks chaps, but that wing problem has got worse!
Having followed the Revell instruction sheet, which had some parts incorrectly numbered(!), the lower wing panels were fitted to the one-piece upper wing, and then this assembly was test-fitted to the fuselage. Result - it doesn't fit!
PIC 1. Shows the underside of the assembled wing, with the trailing edge flanges and internal wing flanges.
PIC 2. These internal trailing edge flanges are supposed to slot into the locating points on the fuselage.
PIC 3. And these are the locating points for the above mentioned wing fillet.
PIC 4. By flexing the wing tips upwards and outwards, it's possible to clip the rear flanges into place, and almost set the leading edge fillets.
PICS 5 and 6. This is the result at trailing and leading edges respectively !
Obviously, a fair amount of sanding and trimming is required, but this needs careful thought before committing file to plastic. To adapt a phrase from Sherlock Holmes, I think this is at least a four pint problem - so I'm off to the pub to think about it, before this Harrier goes for it's first, and last, flight!!
Maybe tomorrow I'll have this problem sorted, until then - cheers!!!


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Humm... it seems that these wing slots need to be a little bit deeper or those wing set pins have to be thinner.
Yep. Just done a preliminary filing and sanding, around the wing, the internal slots and flanges, and the front and rear fuselage aperture. It's starting to fit, and just needs a little more work to allow it to sit and align correctly. First though, it's pub time!
Pics tomorrow.

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