**** DONE: 1/48 Ju-87B-2 - Heavy Hitters II GB

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Quick recovery Charles and I know what you mean about vanishing parts Paul. Probably 90% of my builds have something missing, usually a part that is hidden but sometimes I have to scratch build.

Not all Paul. There were Stukas with these small props dismounted. However the "device" was still attached.
Ah, thank you!
I was checking my resources and could not find a definite answer. Photos can be mislabeled, and the one that I have that shows StG2 aircraft in Russia is from the rear 3/4 view. Then there was another that has the sirens on, but it is the wrong insignia for StG2.
Do you have a specific date Paul. Got some 87b books to look through.


EDIT:Emailed you two pix. While I could find plenty of B-2s with or without sirens, so far, these are the only 2 I could find from St.G2
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