**** DONE: 1/48 Kawanishi N1K1-Ja shiden - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Now we go with the next step
leaks as do I explain:
metal paint after I give humbrol 113, but nothing smooth

let it dry for a few hours sigueinte part with Humbrol 26 Humbrol 110 and give a light hand almost a wash

Although this will translate into Castilian os, raw sienna, Prussian blue and red oxide, watercolors give the ends to simulate the soot from the exhausts

This is also

the airframe painted, black base, and paint it with aluminum

assembly is placed but not stuck is to see how it looks

Wow beautiful work my friend sorry for the delay in posting, exams got us busy here in Ottawa
thanks all the leaks is so small it almost does not look good despuespero I glad to see that you like and incidentally I explained visually as I do
follow the mounting base green paint Gunze H60 for the base color

thanks fellas, but it is only the base layer, I'm now giving the final coat of color, to have the paintings that says instructive've done mixes laying and the resulting color compared it with the H65 Gunze as I could read by the forum and the odd blog and is identical to my eye color, today to make the comparison will paint the middle plane left me with the H65 to see if there color difference.
and now finally home after a day of work I put what little I've been able to advance:
here you can watch this painted with mixing says the instructions

I finished painting with Gunze H65

see if I have luck next week and I have more time and give them a boost
I had a little problem with the shots tomorrow I'll put some better pictures

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