**** DONE: 1/48 Me 262 A1a - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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looking good Dave, doing lots of dry fitting on the wings and engine stuff myself at the moment will have those sorted pretty soon! have found that the dryfitting process and some minor trimming here and there provides a better fit, a couple of spacers will be in order and hopefully this will reduce the filling and sanding process...!

In the mean time keep up the good work!
i found the fit was all a bit " close but no cigar" no matter how i set things up.

I need to get a shop and get a few bits of card for spacing etc and a better selection of sanding options as i think it would be a neater and quicker solution in the long run, albeit something else new to me
so the plan is to mask up the lower surfaces next then wave some rlm82 at the poor thing

the pics kindly provided and elsewhere on the web suggest a lower cut off line for the top side camo than appears on the " offical" profile ...

once the green is down some more masking for the rlm81 disruptive camo

then I am not sure, waynes pics show heavyish mottling on the fuselage sides which i assume is a mix of green and brown mottling

would the mottling go over the opposite colour as it where in the upper fuselage or just over the 76 areas ?
I would do the pattern of 82 over a fair portion of the fuselage in a light and heavier pattern so you get a mottled effect, then add the same for the RLM 81 so you get a mixed pattern of the 81/82 covering most of the fuselage, also apply the 81/82 wing pattern...as you use each colour...
Well i had a go

tried to freehand the transition on the fiselage sides to make for a nice soft edge to the darker colours but i got more overspray effect than I wanted ( i wanted some... ) so i have redone the 76 and will have another go

think its a combination of keep trying plus accepting each kit wont be perfect and trying to learn for the next one

having all sorts of trouble with the airbrush splattering today. a really careful clean and inspection revealed that the very end of the needle has a little kink in it, so i am wondering if thats my problem
Could well be. I had the same problem so got me a new needle and the nozzle bits at the business end of the brush. Now no splatter. I also became more decisive with the mixing ratios and stopped trying to mix in the cup, I now have a couple of small jars to work with.
Had the same splattering problem and it was the tip. Nothing to oi but get a new one. The needle might be Ok. Run it backwards along your skin and see if you feel a burr. Sometimes you can fix a burr or bent needle my rolling it against a hard surface like glass, but if you're getting a new tip you might as well get a new needle as well and start fresh.
Low air pressure along with paint a little on the thick side will do the same. Just not enough air to atomize the particles.

My airbrush is about 34 years old, Paasche VL, and it's been taken pretty good care of, but I am in need of a new needle and nozzle tip.
new airbrush bits ordered

build is progressing slowly , but pic free at the mo as my phone seems to be having a fit since i upgraded the o/s and i forgot to charge my slr, but a gloss coat is currently drying awaiting some decal action
ok a bit of a lumpy update now i have finally managed to get my phone to talk to my computer again to get a couple of basic pics

bit disappointed with the painting , need a lot more mottle practice although the overall finish isnt too bad, really pleased with the cockpit, which is an area I havent handled well in the past

So here it is with some colouring in and a quick splash of future ( sorry about the incomplete pics )

Next was some decals

Not sure if it was me or the hobby boss decals ... but it wasnt a nice experience . They seemed ok at a visual inspection but they seemed to be ready to slide off in no time, and insanely sticky, and very fragile . Which made sliding them about to their exact final home a nightmare

I took my time used lots of water and a damp brush and tissue and thought i had just about mastered them

Then the very last decal of that evening ... the white outline cross for the port wing, stuck like ca glue in the wrong place and in my efforts to persuade it a few mm home broke up

SO Now i need a spare ... My dora ones are much to large to wont do so i will have to look for some aftermarket crosses as nothing else in the stash has those markings , just the earlier black ones

oh well

i pressed on with the rest of the decals , some weathering and panel lines and the under cart

So now she needs that last decal , the ariels etc some touch ups ( i need to paint the nose wheel door too which i had missed, its just tacked on for now ) and a flat coat

Overall so near and yet so far, I will make a start on my dora now while i do the touch ups and fiddly bits and find a decal

and underneath

many thanks for all the help and encouragement. I am still way off the standard of most people on here but feel i am making progress , in no small way thanks to you chaps

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