**** DONE: 1/48 Me 262 A1a - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 20, 2010
Norwich UK
Username, Tigerdriver
Name, Dave
Catagory, beginner
Scale, 1/48
Manufacturer, Hobby Boss
Model type, Me 262 A1a U3
Aftermarket, None bar some decals if i can find something


Well this is gonna be my go , mostly as its the only kit i have that qualifies in the stash :)

I figure at least I get a bonus point for it being both Jet Recon !!

The Hobby Boss model looks nice on the sprue, and the reviews I have read dont seem to suggest any horrors

However I have a confession. The kit was a gift. Firstly I would probably have gone with a version without the nose bumps, purely on shallow aesthetic grounds

Secondly the two paint schemes supplied both look pretty alarming to attempt.


My airbrush skills probably arent close to a squiggle yet, but I cant find much in the way of reference pics for U3s at all ( most seem to be of the same airframe ) so am a bit stuck for a plan


  • hb262.jpg
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Got that HB kit too...go with white 2 be an easier camo or White 3 may be better, that is most likely 81/82/76...will have to look that one up for details if you choose to do it...
According to the AJ-Press book about the jet plane , the Schwalbe was of the Kommando Brauneeg later NAGr6. The exert pipe at the "nose" might have been for either MK 108 30mm cannon or air intake for cooling of the compartment of the recce cameras.... here another pic of the Me 262A I found there.... and in Kagero book "Miniature Lotnicze" vol. 33 - Me 262 units. Undoubtedly the White 3 of the NAGr6 was the recce plane. Please notice the film canister of the Rb 50/30 camera removed and holding by the member of the maintenace team.

Me 262A-1a White3 recce.jpg

Me 262A-1a White3 recce_.jpg

Me 262A-1a White3 recce_1.jpg
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Great choice Dave, and nice pics guys!

Give us a yell if you need any detail photos Dave, got a couple of books with good shots.
Didn't know there was a photo version, of course, since they tied everything but the kitchen sink to the -262, it doesn't really come as a suprise!
There should be a way to do the camo fairly easily on white 2, do you have an airbrush?
And finally I have found the profile of the NAGr6 White 3 ... in the Mushroom Model Magazine Special - Yellow Series - Messerschmitt Me 262A.

Me262A-1aU3 NAGr6.jpg
In the series of pics available for white 3 it appears to have a reasonably heavy mottled fuselage camo with colours fairly well mixed rather than the segmented 81/82 , the 81/82 would be more apparent on the wings.
This aircraft comes from the 500XXX series.
Hi wayne, so that implies the profile Wojtek kindly found is inaccurate ?

Not sure what the series bit means , sorry ... I dont have the detail knowledge on the crumbling luftwaffe stuff
Hi wayne, so that implies the profile Wojtek kindly found is inaccurate ?

Not sure what the series bit means , sorry ... I dont have the detail knowledge on the crumbling luftwaffe stuff

The pictures are rather dark as I said, yet none show a segmented scheme of 2 colours that I can see, the series refers to the Werk Nummer (Serial Number) in this case it is 500259, I will post up a better camo profile interpretation on the weekend for White 3 for you Dave.

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