**** DONE: 1/48 Me262A-1a KG(J)6 - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Username: Wayne Little
First name: Wayne
Category: Judge – Non competing
Scale: 1/48
Kit : Hobby boss Me262A-1a/U5 Kit (has the A-1a nose Parts)
(Thought I would give one a try to compare it to the Tamiya Version)
Extras : Eagle Editions Decals Me262A's KG(J) Units
Eduard me262 Cockpit Set

ME262's of the KG(J) Units - Aircraft #1

Me262A-1a Yellow 3 9/KG(J) 6

This aircraft was found abandoned at Zatec airfield (Saaz) in the Bohemian Protectorate (Czech Republic) in mid 1945.
Yellow 3 carried a White "S" for 'Schule' or School/Training. (Quote from JaPo KG(J) Units : )"it was an aircraft that had airframe deficiencies such that it could not be assigned to combat, or previously damaged to such an extent it was not worth the effort to overhaul it to full combat status."
It comes from the 1109XX series W.Nr. Block as evidenced by the BLACK fuselage Balkenkreuz and as such sets itself apart from the normal WHITE Balkenkreuz normally seen on Me262's.
As the KampfGeschwader (KG) began disbanding, some of these former units began conversion to the Me262 and operate as fighters – becoming Kampfgeschwader (Jagd) [Fighter] units.
Sometime in March of 1945 the KG(J) units still operational began applying the Reichsverteidigung (RV) "Defence of the Reich" tactical recognition markings and adopting fighter style number codes.
The aircraft of the KG(J) units were identified by the use of a "Checkerband" pattern in 2 colours, taking the Primary Colour of the original Fighter units and adding the white, in this case JG6 which was in fact RED/WHITE/RED, KG(J) 6 went a slightly different path using the RED and Black instead of White in the checker pattern.


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cool, i have the u-3 recon version of this kit with the bumpy nose

Will likely be my entry though i am a bit worried about the scribble pattern

Will be following this with even more interest than usual
first bit up and running port Engine nacelle on the go...


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