++ **** DONE: 1/48 Meteor F-8 - Military Conflicts of the 1950's

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Thanks Guys, moving on, horizontal stabs in place, engines painted and a drybrushing to give a bit of highlight, won't see much though..., ailerons in place too...
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Good stuff Wayne.
Have a look at the pic below - although it's obvious that the engine is not installed (black-painted boards blanking-off the intake inside), note that circular 'intake' in the leading edge at left, and what is possibly a missing hatch cover at right, on the wing inside the nacelle.

No worries Wayne. I should have included that pic in the set I sent you, but only remembered once you posted the pics of the work to date. Probably a bit late now, but note that the wing inside the engine nacelle is bare metal, as opposed to the painted surfaces of the rest of the aircraft.
It might just be possible to add the circular intake, if a drill can get to the area inside the nacelle.
Might try....but the edge is thin....

Have pushed forward and got all the major items in place now, been fillling and sanding some joins with stretched sprue to improve things, thats not to say they were bad but spraying this with silver I want to make sure things are how I want...
It's looking good Wayne, and tempting me (lots !) to get one !
Here's another pic of the nacelle intake, taken at RAFM Hendon on Saturday. This example has the engines fitted, and that 'hatch' appears to be a 'cut out' section to accommodate what might be a compressor (?).
Obviously too late to do anything about that, but the small, circular intake might be just 'do-able'.


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