--> **** DONE: 1/48 P-51D - Post-War Warbirds

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Thanks for looking in guys. I've painted the lower canopy frame and drilled a few holes in the middle frame. I've also added the decals to the drop tanks.
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Got the top coat done last night. I'm a bit disappointed though as I painted the wings gloss Aluminium and the fuselage bare metal silver but I'll be buggered if I can tell the difference! I've also added the hard points and assembled the bubble canopy.
Nice work Andy, and I can see some contrast in shades in the pic of the underside. Maybe try lightly polishing the fuselage, which might increase the contrast.
For bare metal finishes, I use forensic aluminium finger print powder - same stuff as was sold in the SNJ metal finishes range - and it really works well, from a subtle sheen to a highly polished finish, depending on application and depth of polishing.
Thanks guys. Terry I used Tamiya spray cans AS-12 Bare metal silver and TS-17 Gloss Aluminium. I was hoping the contrast was going to be noticeable, but never mind - she looks nice and shiny. I've repainted the wheels wells and painted the red fuselage band which adds a nice splash of colour.

It's looking good Andy, and I can see more tone contrast in the latest pics.
BTW, I meant that I use the powder to polish the painted surface - as it's laying down very finely powdered aluminium, it actually gives a real metal coat to the paint, and the degree of polishing dictates the final finish, dull sheen to highly polished and shiny.
Yes, it can be a bit messy if care isn't taken, but with practice, the only mess might be on your fingers - but it washes off very easily !
SNJ products used to supply metallic paints, and the polishing powder, which I used to use 25+ years ago, but they are no longer in business. The powder used to cost around £3 or £4 for a very small jar back then, so when I confirmed it was very similar to jeweler's polishing powder, and the same stuff as the finger print powder, I found a UK supplier, and bought two tubs, each twice the size of one SNJ jar, for about £2 each !
I apply it to the bare plastic first, then spray on ordinary silver paints, and, when dry, apply more powder and polish - very simple.
Here's what the tubs look like, alongside a SNJ jar, and an example of polished finish on my as yet uncompleted F-104a.

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