I started gluing some parts together. The radiator scoop was 3 parts and needed some shaping with a file after it was put together. Here everything has been sanded down and the panel lines re-scribed. The wheel wells had to be filed down a bit to fit into the wing and had 3 separate interior bulkhead parts which have been installed here. Still pretty sparse so I'll be adding some copper wire plumbing.
I've been dying to do this one for the same reason. Doing something familiar, but different all the same.
Progress on the interior. Getting close but still have a few things to do before I close it up. Looking at the parts before I started I didn't think it would look this good when it all came together
I'm working nights a couple of days this week so that gives me a bit of time to work on it.
1) One last look at the cockpit before it's closed up. Some more touch up painting and I added some radio gear scratched together from some plastic bits. I'll be adding a loop antenna right before the canopy goes on. 2) the fuselage glued up and the wing test fitted. Looks like a pretty good fit which I was not expecting with a limited run kit