<> **** DONE: 1/48 PBY-5 - WW1 / WW2 over Water.

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I finally managed to find some time to get to the hobby shop yesterday to pick up a couple of items that had me stalled as far as my build was going. Now that I have them as well as some time in the immediate future I hope to make a bit of progress. I made it to the bench today and knocked off a few things along the way. The beauty of this big girl is you can work on one part of the model and then set it aside to cure or dry and you can get started with another part. Here in no order or semblance thereof are some pics of the progress.

Engines are not glued into place as I still need to paint the bottom of them as well as weather them. The cockpit is coming along nicely and most of the upper wing surface decals are now applied. In addition the needed areas of the interior have been sprayed.


More progress made as we get closer to the big task of joining the fuselage halves together, something that is a bit scary on this model.

Tires not attached yet as the gear will be bit*#@ enough to mask around to paint the fuselage.

Clearly a few touch ups required but I am pleased with the progress and I have done nothing yet that pi$$es me off.

Does anyone have any idea how much weight has to be stuck inside to make this model a non tail sitter. My other option is to find a nice ceramic floor tile and glue the gear into place.


Jeff, put the main gear tires on, not the nose gear, attach the wing temporarily then throw some weight into the hole in the nose until she tips onto the front strut.

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