Nice job on the spinner and prop. One concern I have is that prop looks like it is a "cuffed" type. If so the cuffs were usually a hard rubber material that would not show metallic paint chipping on them. I'm not positive on the P-47 props but I'm pretty sure the P-51 props were like that. Maybe someone else here can confirm that. If so, its probably not to late to touch them up.
I would be very interested in verifying this. I based the chipping on the cuffs on some of the pics I've seen of the 57th FG planes...
I may spray the cuffs with flat to deaden the shine.
And thank you for those great pictures of the wing rack/strut Terry! They are retracted (for use with bombs) and painted gray on my build. Interesting to see the stencil on the rack... I'll have to look at the decal sheet if they are provided. Tamiya includes a LOT of stencils so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it.
Ok... creeping along towards painting. I'm going to something a little different there so I'm not rushing into it. I picked up a few new tools over the past few weeks. Got a nice punch/die set by RP Toolz... a little pricey but I really liked the little hammer that came with it.
My first use of the punch/die was to punch little discs to be placed at the back end of the rocket tubes to simulate loaded rockets.
I have not been successful in finding a spare 75 gallon drop tank so I'm making provisions to use the 108 gallon tank that came with the kit. Yes, there is a thin wire coming out from the rear access point but I'm not too clear on how the fuel line(s) connect with the fuselage when the tank is center mounted.
The Eduard masks have been applied. They fit very well and the adhesive is much better than the Montex masks but some of the masks leave a gap in the middle to be filled with liquid mask. I don't have much experience with liquid mask so I just used bits of tape and masking material.
The folks at Eduard were courteous enough to include masks for the wing lights which makes painting much easier.
My flaps will be shown in the down position. They were neat little assemblies unto themselves with each flap comprised of five parts plus PE endcaps by Eduard. I decided to paint and weather these as a preview to the color scheme I will be using. I found that I had two jars of Olive Drab (Tamiya and Gunze Sangyo). The Tamiya looks too green IMO and the Gunze is really brown. As a test, I used a mixture (about 50/50) of the two shades for the flaps.
I'm going to paint chip this plane. The archive pictures show the 57th FG planes in relatively good condition so the chipping will be light and hopefully realistically subtle. I tested chipping the conventional way using dabs of Testors Acryl Silver on a super fine brush.
I think I'm almost done with most of the fiddly bits and ready to get on to main painting. Everything is masked and ready to go!
I may forgo the primer coat on this one since I am going to attempt multi-layer chipping on this one based on the archive pictures showing chromate green and metal underneath the olive drab. I am trusting the excellent fit of the Tamiya kit to reduce to seam imperfections to a minimum but we can always touch up as necessary.