**** DONE: 1/48 RF-84F Thunderflash - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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That air system also has outlets in the basement and outside. When I installed it I had a little Craftsman handyman compressor with a 10 gal tank and maybe 1/2 HP. I figured for a few more dollars than a hobby compressor I could use it around the house for other things too, It died a year ago and now I have a big 20gal 2HP upright tank compressor. Doesn't cycle as much any more.
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It's been over a week so back to work. Did the masking on the areas that will remain Old Silver. It's a good thing I took these pictures because I spotted some tape that I forgot to trim on the top and bottom of the right wing tip. I love the way these NMF models look when finished but it's almost too much work to get there. I intended to spray the Bright Silver tonight but I'm just too tired after the masking and I have to be at work early for one of my least favorite tasks, driving piles for a foundation. Too noisy and dirty and it's going to go on for at least a couple of weeks.

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Painted the bright silver and pulled off all the masks. The difference in the shades of silver aren't too apparent in these pictures but should be more visible in natural light.

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