**** DONE: 1/48 Savoia Marchetti S.M.79 II - Mediterranean Theater of Operations

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Thanks fellas for all the nice comments. To make the stencils that I used I grabbed a stack of self adhesive sticky notes. I folded them in half and then ripped small piece along the fold into various shapes. I then attached small pieces of sticky tack along the edges of the openings and gently pressed them into place and sprayed away. For some like those along curves and such I needed to use my non spraying hand to help hold them in place.

I used the sticky note as they are a good size but any piece of paper will work.


Thanks Terry, I like the model, I love the dog. I think I may have mentioned it before but being a German Shepherd and my love of WW2 aviation, I named him Willie after a certain aircraft designer from Germany.


Looks great! I've also become a big fan of Post-Its as masking material. It's great for blocking out individual panels.
Latest update. Top side decals have been started in areas that I will not be working on again for the most part. Starting to look like a warplane now.

Each number in the squadron code was separate... I would not have complained had they been one piece decals.


Progress continues and she now stands on her own legs. The tailplane struts are attached and the bombardier's cupola is attached.

Still a few bits to attach and a couple of things to paint and then decals but she is getting close



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