I've got some more work to report on the Spitfire. This kit was bought off Ebay. It's been out of production for a while but during that time some of the parts have been seesawing on their sprues, leaving some loose parts and some ugly junctions to deal with. The actual fit is pretty darn good so the few spot repairs are easier to digest.
A detour to the wings where I've cut the flap actuator outlines using the provided PE template.
An unexpected problem concerning the prop shaft. I glued it into one of the fuselage sides but as you can see, it is potentially off-center.
Mounting the spinner backplate confirms that yes, the prop shaft is off-center.
I cut off the prop shaft and fashioned a new one out of hollow plastic rod and piece of metal tubing to serve as a locating pin. The rod was larger in diameter than the original prop shaft so I had to enlarge the hole in the backplate. This gave me the opportunity to create a tighter fit between the shaft and backplate, which will help to secure the prop in place but leave it movable.
A new hole was drilled into the fuselage front and the new prop shaft was glued into place using CA glue. A quick fit check to see if the prop is properly centered.
Another modification to the kit parts was required. The covers over the Griffon engine just above the exhaust stacks are molded with a distinct flared bulge at the front.
Photos of the aircraft that this is a bit exaggerated and needs to be toned down a bit. I used aircraft photos and pictures of the Quickboost correction set to help shave down the kit parts.
The cover on the right has been shaved down.
According to the instructions, the Mk 24 had 3-spoke wheels so I'll have to use the kit plastic instead of the resin wheels. Interestingly, the kit wheels are noticeably larger than the resin ones.
Here is the front fuselage after I've filled the sprue scar. The kit provides no part for the small circular opening... fuel fill port? I've fashioned a test piece using a circular piece punched from sheet styrene.
I've picked up a set of vacuformed canopies for this model. Two per set, which is a good thing because I botched one.
The vacuformed canopy pieces after they've been cut out and trimmed. You can also see the primer coat on the front fuselage after I've scribed a new circular panel.